Once An Abuser, Always An Abuser

TW: abuse mention

Image: Tumblr

Image: Tumblr

He wrapped me in his lies 

Sheltering me from the truth 

As I begged to be set free 

He held on tighter 

Keeping me closer than ever before 

Whilst visiting my dreams 

He whipped the tears that fell ever so suddenly down my cheek 

Falling to the floor 

Formed an ocean of regretful events 

Chosen one by one by my trembling hands 

Letting each one take over his body 

Put out the fire in his heart that kept him alive 

Turning stone cold 

He lay motionless on the floor 

I awoke peacefully again 

By Naulia


Instagram: @nauliabennettt

Nauliapoetry, abuseComment