to: me, from: me
your mind tends to wander, and it may do so quite often
creating staircases to situations that could never occur in this lifetime
feelings, actions, movements, and emotions
have led you into becoming the person you are now
but if you had done things differently, what would you be like?
if you took two steps back and moved forward in another direction,
would you open a door to another life?
hours upon hours mulling over decisions made years ago and mistakes made yesterday
what if you pursued the arts? what if you became a scientist?
what if you asked for pumpkin bread instead of banana?
your mind has become plagued, filled with questions
thinking of the endless possibilities of who you are and who you want to be
it devours you up from the inside, you cannot focus
this is your weak point
By Raven.
Raven is a staff writer @ PARDON! read more about her on our TEAM! page.