Posts in TV
Who Are The 'Normal People' in Normal People?

The show handles intimacy in a way that I haven’t seen before. Not just the sex, although the realism of those scenes really grounded the story. But the camera gets us too close to the lovers, we are privy to their every emotion; the way they laugh together, their shared eye contact, their conversations. The unwavering focus on these two characters screams tenderness, never cutting away to someone else’s perspective or even making an effort to understand other characters gets us uncomfortably familiar with both and their inner selves. I just wish it wasn’t to the detriment of the show’s characters of colour.

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SKAM: Changing the Face of Storytelling.

In 2015 a revolutionary web series created by Julie Andem premiered in Norway and changed the face of media forever. Like Beyoncé with her self titled album, this series was dropped with no previous promotion and like Beyoncé’s album, it broke records. The viewership on this premiere was extraordinary and proceeded to expand to the series as it went on. 

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